All Souls Gathering

All Souls Gathering is an independent nonprofit organization, a flexible interfaith spiritual community and learning center, which is open to all. As an interfaith gathering, they are a spiritual community of people from many spiritual backgrounds and faith styles.

Their mission is to cultivate inner peace and inspire connection with Divine Source.

They envision a just, peaceful, and loving world, respectful of difference and united by common humanity, in which people live purposeful lives in harmony with one another, other creatures, and the Earth itself.

All Souls has a growing commitment to environmental activism and social justice at local, regional, national, and global levels. They hold space for personal growth, as well as, are committed to amplifying collective impact in the broader community.

At All Souls, we focus on the perennial wisdom found in the teachings of the world’s faiths. Our spirituality and practice is based on our personal experiences and shared values instead of dogma or creeds.
— Rev. Don Chatfield, Ph.D. (Lead Pastor)

Gangs Unite


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