SEF Cymru

The SEF-Cymru Youth Empowerment and Mentoring Project is a youth-led volunteering project providing young people aged 16-25 with opportunities to influence policy and practice.

It is a two-year youth-led initiative aimed to empower young people from across Cardiff’s BAME community to influence policy and practice through volunteering opportunities that includes training, research and advocacy work.

This project is aimed at young people to build their skills, knowledge and confidence in becoming active citizens and promoting the real youth voice to policy makers.

This project targets young people from the following backgrounds:

  • Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups (BAME)

  • Young offenders or those at risk of offending

  • Those not in employment, education or training (NEET)

The charity’s aims are to advance education for the public through the provision of educational enrichment and providing activities and opportunities for young people to:

  • Overcoming educational underachievement;

  • Working towards the removal or barriers to lifelong learning and skills training;

  • Promoting social inclusion;

  • Raising awareness with others of negatives influences that may hinder people from reaching their full potential.

Through this work we hope to expand this to enable young people from BAME backgrounds and different institutions to learn the skills of influencing power and build their capacity to make change within their communities.
— SEF Cymru

Mwanzo Project CIC
