New Horizon Sunderland

New Horizon is a dedicated group of African people with many years of experience of providing holistic support to the African community living in the City of Sunderland  

New Horizon was established in 2008 in direct response to the needs of the black and minority ethnic community living in Sunderland.  These were predominantly black African people of multiple African nationalities, who arrived in the city as refugees and asylum seekers between 2001-2008.  The driving force behind the establishment was a group of ex-asylum seekers and refugees who had in-depth knowledge and personal experience of the issues and difficulties faced by refugees and asylum seekers

New Horizon Sunderland has therefore been to all her service users, a life-saving machine, not only addressing the immediate needs of these vulnerable persons but also supporting them to integrate and settle in Sunderland in the longer term, building positive lives and aiding them to contribute to the city in which they now live.
— Rachidy Bikaya - Chair New Horizon Sunderland

Alchemy Arts


Urban Equestrian